A kingdom in God’s Image – Love, Holiness, and Fear
Acts 4:32-5:16
Have you ever considered the oddity of human governments – that somehow
the practice of injustice is the means by which justice is created,
or that violence is the means by which peace comes into existence,
or that hatred is the means by which love is grown?
These practices are found in some degree in all human societies and governments on account of a universal reality – unfettered sin in the human heart.
The kingdom of God through Jesus is unlike any human society, for unfettered sin is removed from the equation before a person even enters into God’s kingdom. When a man or woman repents in accordance to the gospel, it is no longer sin to which that person submits, but to God. That submission to God then leads to forgiveness and peace with God, and to the sharing in God’s holy spirit. The sinful spirit of this world begins to wither and die as God’s spirit grows increasingly prevalent.
Wherever the spirit of God is,
Impurity gives way to purity of heart, mind, and spirit.
Indifference and even hatred gives way to love.
Death gives way to life.
And this brings us to the state of things given in Acts 4:32-5:16.
Love made visible - Acts 4:32-37
The full number of believers were of one heart and soul. They were united in love by God’s love. This in itself is a remarkable change in these who had become believers. No doubt many among them were already of generous hearts, but given human nature many were not. Though these believers all came from a common heritage, they nevertheless had many different backgrounds and experiences. But one thing they all shared in common was the choice to believe, repent, and enter into God’s kingdom, a kingdom a-washed with God’s own spirit.
At the same time the apostles continued their witness of the resurrection, displaying the great power of God’s kingdom.The people experienced the reality of God’s great grace, and that grace became part of their own walk so that
"There was not a needy person among them.”The very bedrock of God’s kingdom is love. Jesus told us to love one another in the same way he (Jesus) loves us,
“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” (John. 13:34-35)
and then he himself proved his love by going to the cross on our behalf. John wrote concerning the love of God,
“And so we have come to know and to believe the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.” 1 John 4:16
The love of God produced incredible generosity in the hearts of those who obeyed the gospel to the end that those who owned property began selling it, giving the proceeds to the apostles to distribute as they saw need. They did not do this because they thought the end of the world was at hand, or because the apostles had given a law that they do so, but because they were filled with the same love and grace of God that compelled Jesus to go to the cross. This is the character of the kingdom of which they had become new citizens.
It is here we are introduced to Barnabas, also known as Joseph. Barnabas is named here because this is the same Barnabas that later on traveled with Paul during their first missionary journey. Barnabas sold some land that he owned and gave all the money to the apostles.
The holiness of God’s kingdom – Acts 5:1-7
The account of the judgment which fell upon Ananias and his wife Sapphira is perhaps one of the most difficult accounts in the NT for people to grapple with. At first blush it seems quite unfair of God to strike them down for what amounted to a simple lie. But we must see this in the context of all God had done to bring his great kingdom to all human kind.
As with John’s testimony that God is love, God is also holy and no impurity can be found in Him. God is also the God of Light and Truth, and there can be no falsehood or deception found with Him. Jesus too is the very light of God, and as that light he has revealed the way of life in God. While human leaders and governments may routinely engage in falsehood and deception, such a thing is antithetical to the very person of God and therefore is a contradiction to the character of His kingdom.
For whatever motive Ananias and Sapphira may have had – and in truth their motive is irrelevant – they did not take seriously the nature of God or His kingdom. They lied, not to Peter, but to God himself as to what they had done.
"While it remained unsold, did it not remain your own? And after it was sold, was it not at your disposal? Why is it that you have contrived this deed in your heart? You have not lied to man but to God."
Their actions were of the spirit of this godless world age.
Just as Satan wanted to test Jesus through the 3 temptations as to what kind of king Jesus would be, perhaps he wanted to find out what kind of kingdom the kingdom of God would be. Peter, himself having been sifted by Satan, did not back down in the face of this challenge. God’s kingdom would always be one of truth and holiness.
Their deed was not born from ignorance of the truth or a misunderstanding. They lied, and they knew they lied. Being Jews they knew from childhood the commandment, “You shall not bear false witness”, yet they contrived to do that very thing. This is the way of all human societies of this world age, but God’s kingdom is not of this world age.
Word of the sudden death of Ananias and Sapphira quickly spread throughout the entire Church in Jerusalem, and where there was once only great and constant rejoicing, there was now also great fear. God will not be mocked.
It’s not unsurprising that one of the immediate results was a sudden tendency of those believers gathering together to stay away from the apostles, not because of disapproval of what Peter had done, but from a very healthy respect and fearfulness. They held the apostles in very high esteem after this sad event, and they rejoiced in the continued signs, wonders, and healings that were taking place. Just the touch of Peter’s shadow resulted in healings! God multiplied all which the apostles did in order that the people might see the folly of Ananias and Sapphira in contrast to a genuine holiness before God.
And even more believed and were added to the Lord.
While this world may deny even the existence of God, people hunger and thirst for something greater than what this world can create. Consider the ongoing peaceful protests and even the riots we see happening in our country. These things are being done in the name of Justice. While it angers me that those who demand justice are in the forefront of injustice, there is still this one bright shining hope – people seek rightness. People seek justice. People seek Love. It is up to us as the citizens of God’s kingdom to show them these very things.
People seek the love of God and comfort and power it brings to their lives. Then that will bring rightness, justice and love in all they do.